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The glorious battles of Taxonomy<BR>
In this list of glorious battles, the Conquerors of Ignorance were saying:<BR>
Let's categorize.<BR>
Let's have better categories.<BR>
Let's have a system of categories.  Let's be formal.<BR>
Let's have better systems of categories.<BR>
Let's have a standard system of categories.<BR>

This list of "glorious battles" is 100% mythical, but any story that's as big as the story of civilization would have to be mythic. Like most myths, this myth has a point, which will become clear later.

The first battle, "Let's categorize," seems to go to the heart of what it means to be able to communicate abstractly. Much of natural language amounts to invocations of categories. For example, if I say to you, "Run!", what I mean is, "Exhibit a behavior which is an instance of the class of all running behaviors!"

The above list shows a mythic sequence of increasingly sophisticated goals for information management methodologies:

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